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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Where I Stand #2: Social Positions

Against it, except in cases of rape, incest or when the mothers life is in danger. Expanding on this if a woman is raped why should she be burdened with a baby brought upon her by a stranger who then has left the picture immediately after the act? In cases of incest the baby may be in danger because of the DNA's closeness. Both parents would have really similar DNA and that can cause serious defects. If the mother will die then the only option is to abort the baby as the mother is an integral role in the baby's life and to start the kid off without the mother is unfair to the child.

Private Property:
It's private and "Imminent Domain", where the government can seize the property if it needs it for a project or just wants it for the heck of it is something with which great power and peril will come if we are not careful. Private property must remain private at all costs.

Family Values:
If you want a family and a "Traditional Life" then by all means go for it. If not go for what YOU want. I am not here on this Earth to beat my values into you on issues as personal as the family.

Gay Marriage:
If they want to marry, let them. I guarantee you right now that if we made gay marriage legal nationwide, little if anything would be different. Get over your prejudices and move on already.

I really dislike guns for the most part. I also dislike bombs, landmines, IED's and any other device that can take my life much faster than I can figure out what is happening. I am deathly afraid of guns. (Pardon the pun there). Have your guns but please leave me out of it.

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