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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Of Iran and the United States

I got mad one day in 2009 and wrote this as a reaction to something I saw on FOX NEWS. This was the previous incarnation of this blog which was called "Student Perspective", where my schedule got the best of me and the blog died. I think it's a worthwhile example of what you can expect here on "Politics Done Right". This was when the right was challenging Obama as he was taking office to handle Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and make him a non-threat. Admittedly I took a Liberal stance this time.

I hope that President Obama does not interfere in the Iran election situation. I am sick and tired of the United States being the worlds police. Enough is enough on this, liberals need to stop trying to help the world with every problem. And Conservatives, especially those in congress need to stop trying to spread freedom to the entire world. Yes, freedom is a wonderful thing, but what kind of freedom is it to impose freedom on others because you think it's right? That ladies and gentleman is not freedom, instead it is no better than that which the United States has "always tried to rid the world of" or some other such thing. We are a beacon of hope, but I wish we would do it from within, rather than going on a friendly crusade, knocking on a sovereign nation's door and asking to have the leadership politely leave or face the wrath of freedom. It doesn't make sense, and as I hear the Fox News Channel in the background with two guests screaming it is no wonder why we always try to spread democracy everywhere and it hasn't worked yet. We haven't got our own democracy right yet.

It is a shame that the original democracy on the earth cannot and also refuses to realize that just because it holds itself highly, nobody else, the other 5 Billion 700 Million people are NOT obligated to fully and effortlessly agree with our brand of self defined righteousness. And with that righteousness comes a certain nationalistic arrogance by the right, and weak-kneed diplomacy from the left. It is the opinion of this blogger that while the United States, and let me be very clear here, the United States is the GREATEST nations on earth, our meddling is what has gotten us into trouble. Vietnam and Iraq are both crusade-like wars. The irony with Iraq is that resources were focused away from the just war in Afghanistan because apparently the US Government (Bush and Co. in this case) decided that a friendly crusade under the guise of security was better than the real and dire security risks of the fully just war we were waging in Afghanistan.

As the war in Iraq improves significantly, it is I think a fair move if President Obama were to transfer troops - many of them in Iraq - to Afghanistan to secure that country and wind down our middle east meddling, at least that latest round. As history shows there will no doubt be more in the future. I only hope we can learn from our mistakes and reserve troops for dire situations, and STOP trying to be a nurse, and force the world to take our medicine. And STOP trying to be the police of the world and STOP forcing the world to like that same medicine.

These folks in Washington might be surprised how well this works.

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