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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Where I Stand #3: Foreign Policy Positions

Where I Stand #2: Social Positions

Against it, except in cases of rape, incest or when the mothers life is in danger. Expanding on this if a woman is raped why should she be burdened with a baby brought upon her by a stranger who then has left the picture immediately after the act? In cases of incest the baby may be in danger because of the DNA's closeness. Both parents would have really similar DNA and that can cause serious defects. If the mother will die then the only option is to abort the baby as the mother is an integral role in the baby's life and to start the kid off without the mother is unfair to the child.

Private Property:
It's private and "Imminent Domain", where the government can seize the property if it needs it for a project or just wants it for the heck of it is something with which great power and peril will come if we are not careful. Private property must remain private at all costs.

Family Values:
If you want a family and a "Traditional Life" then by all means go for it. If not go for what YOU want. I am not here on this Earth to beat my values into you on issues as personal as the family.

Gay Marriage:
If they want to marry, let them. I guarantee you right now that if we made gay marriage legal nationwide, little if anything would be different. Get over your prejudices and move on already.

I really dislike guns for the most part. I also dislike bombs, landmines, IED's and any other device that can take my life much faster than I can figure out what is happening. I am deathly afraid of guns. (Pardon the pun there). Have your guns but please leave me out of it.

Where I Stand #1: Domestic Policy Positions

Healthcare: I do support Obamacare, but I do not believe that the individual mandate should be kept in place and certainly should not include a fine for not having health insurance. This part of the "The Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act" as the fancy name for the health care reform bill goes, would be a disaster both for middle class families and for those who choose not to get health insurance. In the end that is what this country is about: choice. This bill does not seem to provide that choice and prominent Democrats have confirmed as much by adding in the "front-loading" nature of the bill. Front-Loading? No not one of these:
Front Loaded, meaning that the bill takes in lots of revenue before any of the main benefits take place. For example the fines and insurance requirement that goes with it isn't going to be a factor until 2014. The bill raised select service taxes this year however. It's a fancy way of cooking the books to show that the bill breaks even. Just because it wouldn't unless this was done so exactly hasn't stopped the Democrats from quietly touting (Wow, there's an oxy moron) their achievement. The Republicans don't want to do the realistic thing here, no, rather they have decided to let the Tea-Party division of their grass roots do the talking and this will change nothing. I would expect them to try to repeal the bill if they retake the house. Here's the rub though, with the primary win of Christine O'Donnell the republicans have watched the senate go from a 1 seat spread to a three seat spread. Which means that if they have the house they could indeed repeal the law but they don't have the senate and the presidency so effectively there is closer to a 10% chance of repeal than anything. It is unrealistic for the Republicans to try to change the law, which is why they should try to change the law gradually rather than repeal the whole thing.

Energy Policy:
Short, sweet and simple issue for me, the congress should enact legislation placing a good deal of the research at the forefront of our energy policy. We should invest in oil production in the U.S. so long as the environment is not harmed by it. I don't mean to sound like Jimmy Carter here, but we do need to wean ourselves from the highway robbery known as foreign oil.

President Obama is right in this case. Forgive me if I have no sympathy for a single individual making over $200,000 or a couple making over $250,000 in a single year. I have no concept of such a high degree of wealth, and my parents made on average $30,000 a year when I was growing up. I got along just fine, a 3.6% raise in the top tax rate for the highest 2% of earners in the USA would not hurt them very much. It seems that they got over this rate during the Clinton Administration. Or the 50% rate under Ronald Reagan during his first 3 or 4 years. Or the 90% rate during the entire Eisenhower Administration. There was at least one top earner who was threatening to leave the country if the rate went back up. Those top 2% cuts are worth $700 Billion dollars by one count. Again, you'll have to forgive me, I figure that $700 Billion dollars would be better used to balance the budget than cut taxes, or in this case to keep the Bush tax cuts of 2001 that are due to expire in January 2011 in place. Remember most people make it fine on $60,000 to $80,000 a year, and the people at $200,000 (or 250,000 for a couple) are going to do just fine with out an extra $7000 or $8000 dollars.

Social Security:
Simple answer, and a short one: LEAVE IT ALONE! Find a solvent way to fund it but don't attach it to the stock market not even in the partial investment strategy that many republicans want to use (or have advocated at one time or another).

National Defense / The Military/ Etc. :
We MUST work to promote the safety and security of the United States through peaceful methods and we must try to work through the problems facing our nation from Radical Muslims around the world. Please take note: these are not the same as the VAST MAJORITY of peaceful Muslims worldwide who haven't bothered anybody. I do support the war in Afghanistan and I think that the war in Iraq was a foolhardy and silly diversion from our goal of finding Osama Bin Laden. The troops who have put there lives on the line to allow things like this blog to exist should be honored and celebrated. I challenge anybody to support the notion that the troops are killers as groups like "Code Pink" would have some on the far left believe.

Border Security:
The border must be secured because of the drug threat from Mexico as well as the threat of terrorism. The laws are on the books now and they should be enforced. Period.

Illegal Immigration:
It's Illegal so the legal consequences should apply. That was pretty simple right? Well actually yes it is. We need a sort of desert version of Ellis Island so that the poor, tired and huddled masses can come here to renew the inventing spirit of America.

Go to school where you want to. If a school in another district looks better try to get your kid in there. That's real simple, good kids do not deserve bad schools plain and simple. However speaking as a college student who gets plenty of aid I do feel that college aid should be increased, unlike conservatives such as Sean Hannity who have said in the past that they don't get how these students can accept such loans. See my tax argument above for reasons I disagree. (Hint: it's the money... )

Welcome Note

As the site gets set up over the next few weeks, it would probably be nice to know who is making this whole "Politics Done Right" thing. As the URL for this blog implies, my name is Chris Duva, I am 20 years old and a college student. While that may not sound like much of a background from which to talk shop about politics, consider the following: At the ripe old age of 14, during the height of the 2004 election I volunteered for the campaign of John Kerry (D-MA). Most of what I did then was making phone calls. I am originally from Ann Arbor, MI and it was in that heavily Democratic area that I got my interest in all things politics. In college I am majoring in Communications and hope to go into talk radio as a voice for the center, which I feel is under represented on your radio dial. I take in 6-8 hours a day of political talk and read every new item from the following sources daily:

Electoral-Vote.com - Provides various projections and election analysis from a U.S. Citizen living in India, with a degree in both computer programming and political science. Tries to be as fair as possible in his analysis and is not one to mince words.

Politifact.com - Founded in 2007, this is The Saint Petersburg Times of Florida's fact-checking operation. It has fact-checks from The national Politifact site and has recently branched Out With State Partnership Sites. Current States Are: Florida (Saint Petersburg Times/Miami Herald, Georgia (Atlanta Journal Constitution or AJC) , Ohio (Cleveland Plain Dealer) , Rhode Island (Providence Journal) , Texas (Austin American Statesman) and Wisconsin (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) . More state sites are "In The Works". Politifact also features "The Oba-meter" which currently has ratings and analysis on the progress of 525 of President Obama's campaign promises.

Factcheck.org - The internets original fact-checkers, this is a non-profit project of The Annenburg Public Policy Center at The University of Pennsylvania. Founded in 2004, it has become a beacon for people such as Scott McClellan who cited it in his critique of the actions of the Bush Administration while he was press secretary. They have various features and in-depth analysis of political controversies and in the 2010 campaign have focused heavily on political ads.

Politico.com - Ever heard the term "Politico"? While the word actually describes the people involved in shaping and advising political campaigns and political junkies like myself, this is the premier newspaper and information source on Capital Hill. Many of the statements that are cited on TV News come from Politico. Much of the opinion in the publication is from respected authors of political analysis such as: Roger Simon, Josh Gerstein, Ben Smith and Laura Rozen

Gallup.com - This is one of the most trusted polling firms in the country. Polls registered voters rather than likely voters, this causes the polls to skew to the middle range of public opinion. However the flaw in this strategy is that their polling is not indicative of final results on the Republican - Democratic split in a given election based on their "generic ballot results".

What can I say? I'm a bit of a political junkie apparently. When
writing my commentaries I try to be open, fair and honest with what I say about these issues, which is why it is worth mentioning that while I do consider myself a political independent I find myself leaning to the right on many issues of fiscal policy. Socially I am very liberal and in a subsequent post I will address those issues and my positions on them. I feel that it is important to be transparent with you the reader because this is really a relationship built on trust.

I hope you enjoy what I write as much as I enjoy putting my thoughts here everyday.

- Chris Duva

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hearing from you

Another post from Student Perspective that is relevant here, please comment if something in a post strikes a cord positively or negatively. Any Feedback is appreciated.

Your feedback is the biggest thing that keeps me going and I appreciate the support. Please feel free to discuss and disagree with me in the comments section of each post.

Chris Duva

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Of Iran and the United States

I got mad one day in 2009 and wrote this as a reaction to something I saw on FOX NEWS. This was the previous incarnation of this blog which was called "Student Perspective", where my schedule got the best of me and the blog died. I think it's a worthwhile example of what you can expect here on "Politics Done Right". This was when the right was challenging Obama as he was taking office to handle Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and make him a non-threat. Admittedly I took a Liberal stance this time.

I hope that President Obama does not interfere in the Iran election situation. I am sick and tired of the United States being the worlds police. Enough is enough on this, liberals need to stop trying to help the world with every problem. And Conservatives, especially those in congress need to stop trying to spread freedom to the entire world. Yes, freedom is a wonderful thing, but what kind of freedom is it to impose freedom on others because you think it's right? That ladies and gentleman is not freedom, instead it is no better than that which the United States has "always tried to rid the world of" or some other such thing. We are a beacon of hope, but I wish we would do it from within, rather than going on a friendly crusade, knocking on a sovereign nation's door and asking to have the leadership politely leave or face the wrath of freedom. It doesn't make sense, and as I hear the Fox News Channel in the background with two guests screaming it is no wonder why we always try to spread democracy everywhere and it hasn't worked yet. We haven't got our own democracy right yet.

It is a shame that the original democracy on the earth cannot and also refuses to realize that just because it holds itself highly, nobody else, the other 5 Billion 700 Million people are NOT obligated to fully and effortlessly agree with our brand of self defined righteousness. And with that righteousness comes a certain nationalistic arrogance by the right, and weak-kneed diplomacy from the left. It is the opinion of this blogger that while the United States, and let me be very clear here, the United States is the GREATEST nations on earth, our meddling is what has gotten us into trouble. Vietnam and Iraq are both crusade-like wars. The irony with Iraq is that resources were focused away from the just war in Afghanistan because apparently the US Government (Bush and Co. in this case) decided that a friendly crusade under the guise of security was better than the real and dire security risks of the fully just war we were waging in Afghanistan.

As the war in Iraq improves significantly, it is I think a fair move if President Obama were to transfer troops - many of them in Iraq - to Afghanistan to secure that country and wind down our middle east meddling, at least that latest round. As history shows there will no doubt be more in the future. I only hope we can learn from our mistakes and reserve troops for dire situations, and STOP trying to be a nurse, and force the world to take our medicine. And STOP trying to be the police of the world and STOP forcing the world to like that same medicine.

These folks in Washington might be surprised how well this works.